Jun 5, 2011


I have very exciting news! A few weeks ago I was asked to go to London for an interview with New Look head offices for an intern opportunity with the press office, and I got it! EEEEK! Hopefully I will be working a week in August with their press office and I'm currently planning to work with the marketing department too.

Before my interview I had only ever been to London twice on school trips, so it only involved getting off the coach, following the leader to the theatre and getting back on the coach. Easy peasy. So lets just say I was actually really scared about travelling to London on my own for the first time.

I always thought my first time travelling to London would be with a friend for a 'touristy' day exploring the sites but no. I had an email on the Monday asking if I could come in for an interview on the Wednesday and of course I couldn't turn it down but it meant I had just over one day to prepare myself!

People who live in London don't get it. Which is understandable as they live it day to day but for me London was a huge thing for me to conquer. I had never been on a tube, I had never walked around London freely so for me to travel to London on my own - tube it, train it and walk around Oxford Street was terrifying but I DID IT!!

As it was an informal interview I decided to go smart/casual. You can't really tell in the picture but I'm wearing a blazer which I thought added the smart edge.

I made sure I arrived in London with plenty of time to have a little wonder and figure out where the offices were. I managed to find the offices instantly! They were literally five minutes from Oxford Circus tube station which was great. I actually enjoyed the tube! It was very loud which I wasn't expecting but easy to use - just follow the signs.

I found Hamleys!!! I also found this giant camel in Hamleys...

It was MASSIVE and actually for sale!!!

I stopped off at a shop called itsu which sold sushi and these yummy pots of frozen yogurt. I had mine with fresh strawberries.

I also stopped off in a Cafe Nero for some lunch and to properly look at my map - there is no way you can stand in the street and read anything - you must - keep - moving!!!

I am really pleased that I found my way and can't wait for my internship to start in August, hopefully it will be the start of more work experience and more experience of London.

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