Feb 13, 2011

Modern Tech.

Right at this very moment I'm laying in bed, boyfriend is still asleep
and I'm writing this blog post from my Blackberry. Woah.

For most people this is now 'normal', I mean being able to communicate with
the rest of the world from a Blackberry...

But for me, owner of a Blackberry for only 3 weeks I am amazed by
its possibilities! For 6 years I was the owner of a perfectly functioning
Motorola, and although it remained loyal (it never broke. Ever) it was only
capable of texting and ringing. Therefore this explains my slightly
over excitement of being able to communicate through bbm or blogging,
Twitter or pictures.

I think that this way of communicating is fantastic!
What better way to show my friends and family what I've been up than with
pictures and emails. I love being able to see something beautiful and capture
it with my Blackberry and share it with the world!